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What We Catch....

Captain Tips & Tricks

One of the most favorable fish Texas anglers have grown to love over the past years is the Southern Flounder.  Due to the high demand on this species Texas Parks and Wild Life has changed the bag limit on all species of Flounder, their hybrids and subspecies to a daily bag of 5 fish except for the period Nov. 1-30 when the daily bag is 2 fish. Flounder may be taken only by pole and line. Possession limit is equal to the daily bag and the fish must be in length of 14" to No limit to keep.


                                Capt. Jesse Francisco


Follow the steps of the pictures on the right from top to bottom and you too can enjoy the best all white fish the Texas Bays have to offer.


Galveston Fishing Charters, Galveston Fishing Guides, Galveston Texas Bay Fishing, Galveston Texas Deep Sea Fishing, Galveston Texas Offshore Fishing, Galveston Texas Shark Fishing, Galveston Texas Gulf Fishing, Galveston Texas Tuna Fishing, Galveston Texa
Galveston Fishing Charters, Galveston Fishing Guides, Galveston Texas Bay Fishing, Galveston Texas Deep Sea Fishing, Galveston Texas Offshore Fishing, Galveston Texas Shark Fishing, Galveston Texas Gulf Fishing, Galveston Texas Tuna Fishing, Galveston Texa
boneless flounder fillets
Fillet a both sides of a Flounder
Fillet a Flounder
Captain Jesse shows how to Fillet a Flounder
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